Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Operation Restore Order Day 2

Well so far so good. I actually managed to get ALL required loads of laundry done and my bonus load, care of my handsome little 2 year old! It was 10pm before the dryer finished but it did finish! Today shouldn't be too hard, a load of dish cloths and then a load of aprons. If that takes all day I may as well quit now!!!

So my big task today is to go through my pantry and freezer and see what I have and figure out what to do with it all. The stock take is done and I seem to have a thing for buying pasta, chocolate chips and powdered sugar! Mmm! That and I actually lost count of the bags of frozen fish in the freezer after 20 something. Think I'm going to have to hide the fishing poles, for my poor freezers sake. Poor think needs to be defrosted BAD!

I also discovered I have a thing for frozen strawberries. Think I was wanting to make some strawberry pies at one stage. So task this week Strawberry Pie.

The pasta will be easy to use because I LOVE pasta. I swear I must have a little Italian blood, of course potatoes are still my first love!

I also have an added dilemma. Cucumbers! One of the gentlemen that Ken works with, I think I mentioned this before, is an avid gardener. I've been making Ratatouille like crazy (I'll post my version of Julia Childs recipe later). The only problem is he had given us 2 grocery bags of cucumbers. I HATE them! For that reason I don't know what to do with them! I will make Ken and the boys a pasta salad that they love and there was some mention of cucumbers in vinegar, must investigate and experiment!

It is such a wonderful blessing to get home grown vegetables and I just love the quality!!! One of the biggest expenses on my grocery bill is produce simply because I cook from scratch so much. I am hoping one day we will have enough land to have a garden to provide all we need.

I was watching TLCs Extreme Couponing last night and the lady went to a farm to buy a whole calf. She said the meat was half the price of buying it at the store! I love the idea. She said one calf fed her family for a year. I think this is something I really want to look into. Right now my main goal is to start reducing a lot of the household expenses.

Well I better go, my chicken is boiling on the stove for some Gumbo. Plus I'm pretty sure I just heard my dryer end!

Happy Home Cooking the orderly way!

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