Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day!

As this is Memorial Day I would like to take a moment to honor all our fallen heroes and their families. President Reagan said it most eloquently in 1984 on the 40th anniversary of D-Day,

 "Strengthened by their courage, heartened by their valor, and borne by their memory, let us continue to stand for the ideals for which they lived and died."

I am proud that members of both mine and my husband's families (including my husband) have served their country not just the United States of America military but also Her Majesty's British and Canadian Forces. We have a long line of heroes that have served in most of the major conflicts from the World Wars to the current Afghanistan war. I thank God all returned home safe. I was always raised with the highest regard for the military and that we can not forget the sacrifices that have been made to allow us to live in freedom.

With that in mind I turn my thoughts to our current active military, that as I type, are on the front lines. I thank God that there are still men and women that have a heart to serve their country. I especially want to mention our best friends' son Grant who is currently serving with US Army in Afghanistan. You will never meet a more wonderful young man, that while in basic training took the time to write to my then 3 year old son, not may young men would do that. Stay safe Grant, we love and miss you! To him and his family THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for the sacrifice that you are making. 

And to all the active military thank you and may God's hand of protection be on you all and come home safely.

God Bless Our Armed Forces!!!

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