Monday, May 28, 2012

Operation Restore Order Update!

Well so far Operation Restore Order, as I have now named it, is showing mixed results. I am so pleased to announce that June's Meal Plan is not only done but I've posted it to the blog. Not all the meals are posted yet but I will sort that out over the next week or two. So if you want to give it a go you can find at the link below or up on the title bar.

So that's one thing down! WOO HOO!!!

Now the laundry. I did my schedule out over the weekend. I have set Monday and Friday as my big laundry days to do clothes and towels. I'm a little fussy when it comes to the clothes and as my husband works outdoors and gets really smelly I don't like washing his clothes with mine so they have always been separate, except the whites, but then bleach kills everything. I used to wash the boys clothes with mine but they are just as bad as their daddy at getting outside and muddy so now they get washed separately too. There was also an incident with a red crayon in the wash that I won't mention that was a near disaster, so yes that is four loads if you include the whites. Like I said I'm slightly insane!!!!

A few years ago I worked out roughly how many towels I would need so that I could get away with washing them twice a week and figured enough for four days worked. Although as the number of members of our household has grown so has the number of towels. Thankfully last year I got to get a nice new washer and dryer and they are wonderful. I found the largest capacity I could and went from 3 loads of towels down to 2. So that's my Mondays and Fridays.

I have set Wednesday as bedding day. Tuesday and Thursday are filler days for special loads. At least I can handle throwing a load of dishcloths on. I recently decided that we were using too much paper towel/kitchen roll and even though my coupon/deal searches were usually really good it still seemed I was constantly buying 'bales' (as my 4 year old calls them) of the stuff! So I went and bought cloth napkins, more dishcloths and tea towels. I'm trying hard to be disciplined but the mindless reaching for a piece of paper towel is hard to over come. 

So as it's Monday I'm trying so hard to be on schedule. So far we have 3 loads completely washed, dried, folded and put away, one load in the dryer and one in the washer. That means there's one more to go but it's 4.30pm and I really wanted to be done by now. Plus my 2 year old decided to throw up on my comforter so that's 2 more loads I have to do!!!! But this is something that I am going to have to start handling, adjustments! Adjusting to the situations that arise to the day and trying to adjust the schedule so that everything gets accomplished!!!

Well anyhow the dryer has just played it's little tune telling me it's done. I forgot to mention that instead of a horrible buzzer sound they play a little tune to let me know they are done. It's so pleasant!!! Simple amuses me sometimes!

Anyhow if I've gone way too domestic on you I apologize but like I said the other day my only two areas of control were the laundry and the cooking and that has got off track so for my mental health this is huge!!!!!

Happy Home Cooking the organised way!!!

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