Saturday, June 23, 2012


Sorry I've been missing this week. I consider myself really blessed that I don't have to work outside the home and can be with my boys every day. However I'm not just a house-wife, homemaker, stay at home mom, or whatever this weeks politically correct name for it is. My husband runs his own businesses and well I'm his secretary, book keeper, office manager, general slave, lol! This week we have been very focused on the business. 

I have to say that I have a new found respect for women that work outside the home and the task you have. I have the option of doing a load of laundry in between phone calls or making the bed after I update a spreadsheet. To think of doing my work and then having to come home and take care of the laundry, the housework and the cooking is overwhelming. I can see why take-out or easy meals helps in that process.

There is a downside to my situation, I never get to officially clock out or leave work. It's always here and multitasking isn't always the easiest thing for me. But when I'm feeling stressed I get to have a hug from my boys and remember why I'm doing it all.

Anyhow I will be trying real hard to get caught up. And hey anyone else wondering where June went to? So July's meal plan will be up in the next week!!!!

Hope you have a good weekend.

Happy Home Cooking!

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