Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Weekend Project

I had a special weekend project this weekend. It was inspired by one of my recipes that I will share with you soon, Peri Peri Chicken. It's a recipe that currently I'm using bottled sauce to make but really want to try to make it myself from scratch. 

The problem? Birdseye Chili!

So what on earth could be the issue, well apart from the main chili peppers it's really hard to get more 'exotic' types in Baton Rouge. So I found some seeds online and this weekend I started them.

I also decided to go ahead and plant seeds for the main herbs I use. Fresh herbs are not cheap and they are so wonderful to use. However, I am tired of buying them and only using a little and then having to throw the rest away. So I figure if I have them growing in the back yard then I can just go get what I need when I need it. 

So along side my Birdseye Chili, I planted Basil, Oregano and Italian Flat leaf parsley.

As you can see I had my little helpers!!

I'll keep you up-to-date on their progress. I'm very excited about the Birdseye Chili and how they will turn out!

1 comment:

  1. Definitely let me know! I think as soon as we move somewhere warmer/more permanent/sunnier, I want to grow an herb garden too! I love eating fresh herbs and spices, but my wallet always complains. :) Best of luck!
