Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Pinterest and my homemade journey.

Again I find myself neglectful of the blog. To explain the craziness of my life is an understatement and Home Cooking Mama has been last on the list. One of these days I will get into such a wonderful state of organization and well managed time that I will be able to do all the wonderful 'extras' that make me smile.

But for now I will simply TRY.

I've been using that word alot with my oldest son recently, TRY. You never fail as long as you are trying, it's when you quit that you truly fail!

So anyhow you all should know by now that I'm trying my best to turn my meals into from scratch cooking. But recently that translated into why do they put so much crap in everything and why am I paying someone else to make this for me.

As I was checking Facebook last night I noticed a post from one of my friends about how she had made her own laundry detergent. She posted the pin from Pinterest. The thought came to me that Pinterest has changed the world for so many of us. This same friend has gone from processed meals to home cooked meals thanks to vast resources of ideas. We are now brave enough to try to make our own detergent and pretty much anything else you can think of.

I'm so frustrated by the health issues we all have now a days. Allergies are a nightmare in this house and before my journey into motherhood began I could use antihistamines, post pregnancy and breastfeeding, I have hallucinogenic nightmares (which is actually a side effect) so can't use those anymore. I do have a steroid nasal spray but really who wants to pump steroids into their body. 

Then there's the cleaning products issue, lets talk chemicals. I use bleach in my laundry (for the towels to stop mildewing in the humid Louisiana weather) well recently Clorox made their bleach CONCENTRATED. I'm trying to understand the need to concentrating everything!!!! Anyhow I have been noticing rust on my 2 year old washing machine but only on the part where I pour the bleach in and it's only appeared since the bleach got concentrated! This kind of a scary thought that this stuff is eroding my metal washer.

I have a huge problem being able to breath after I use cleaning product, Lysol being the number one culprit. Although two small kids and a stomach virus outweighs the ability to breath. So I've tried numerous products that are less chemical. I had a friend introduce me to a product that everyone that I have spoken to about has praised but sadly its a product that is tied up in some sort of multi level thing and just to become a customer it's so complicated and minimum requirements. What happened to the good old days of you have a wonderful product, you stick a price on it and the customer pays the product? Ok direct marketing rant over!!! 

My friend's laundry detergent creation has inspired me to give it a go. Then that thought lead me to the thought 'WHY STOP THERE' (famous last words!!) why not dive head first into a 'DIY Homemade from scratch so I know what ingredients are in stuff' adventure. I may not do something everyday but I'm going to share the adventure with you!!! And yes there is a huge possibility I have completely lost my mind this time and crossed the line to where a padded cell is in my near future. My life is insane at the moment and so many big issues are out of my control. Usually when this happens I start doing crazy stuff like reorganising the CD collection into alphabetical order or some other OCD behavior. Am I OCD, not usually, which is a shame, I might actually get more stuff done. 

I always have this sinking feeling that we are missing something, we have all these amazing gadgets and products to make life simpler but yet we seem to be busier and running around in circles more. We're doing something wrong, not sure what but something!!! Maybe the numerous hours spent in doctors offices or in pain or discomfort from our ailments has a lot to do with it. Maybe it's time to take control of our lives!!!!

So it's the end of the month and time for a fresh start! Let see where this adventure takes me!


Happy Home Cooking!!!

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