Saturday, March 9, 2013

Turning a new leaf...

I know I have been absent from the blog for awhile and I apologize. My life is non stop on the best of days but recently it's been back to back sickness around here. It really has got me frustrated.

You know I'm all about home cooking and pretty much from scratch too. Being diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome was the beginning of a change for me. However pregnancy, breast feeding and motherhood have side tracked me a little. I do wonder what I used to do with all my free time before the boys.

I have replaced a huge amount of the processed prepackaged food but recently I've been wondering if I have gone far enough and if our diet is healthy enough. Before the beginning of the sickness period I had danced with the idea of the Low Glycemic Load Diet. There's just one problem, I'm from Northern Ireland and carbs are in our genetic make up, it was like trying to learn to write with my left hand after always being right handed. So in the middle of that horrible stomach virus and the aftermath where ALL I wanted was a cup of tea and a slice of toast I had a rethink. After all potatoes, pasta, bread, rice, etc have been part of my diet all my life. What changed 10 years ago was my activity levels. Who knew having a car was bad for your health!!! So I decided that as much as I hate exercise, that is the direction of my path to reduce the weight. After all look at how gorgeous Nigella Lawson is and she loves to cook real fun food.

I have recently become more aware of what is in our food. I mean Hamburger Helper and the like are no brainers, you know that they are full of preservatives. But then I looked at our bread label, and the shredded cheese bag and suddenly I realized my naivety. Did you know that they use a ton of stuff in the cheese to keep it shredded and don't get me started on the bread. Needless to say that I am now buying blocks of cheese and dusted off the wonderful cheese grater that our niece gave us as a wedding present. 

I feel like I'm on a journey right now with regard to food. I guess that I have been ignorant and mindless about my food for years. I remember the day when I discovered you could make mayonnaise, it was from the little cafe below my office in London that made the best bacon butty. I asked them which brand of mayonnaise they used and they told me they made it fresh every day. I was amazed and awe stuck and you could taste the difference. And yes I've been working on the perfect mayonnaise recipe. 

So hopefully I can get you all caught up with the Home Cooking Mama kitchen. The one thing my journey is showing me is that from scratch is so much better. And yes I know not everyone has the time and I understand that, I will always try to keep that in mind when I'm posting recipes. 

For now I'm going to sign off and go have dessert - homemade Meyer Lemon Pudding. The boys have been driving me nuts since I put it in the fridge to set, so I guess I'll put us all out of our misery!!! I'll share the recipe later in the week!

Happy Home Cooking!

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